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IVF Basics: A Step-by-Step Guide

IVF Basics: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely heard about IVF and are curious about what it really involves. Perhaps a friend has gone through it, or you’ve been researching fertility options. Whatever brought you here, you’re probably wondering, “What exactly happens during IVF?”

Let’s break it down.

IVF is a remarkable blend of science and medicine that allows us to assist the natural process of conception. It’s precise, methodical, and – while not magic – it has helped millions of people become parents.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the IVF process step by step. No unnecessary jargon, just clear explanations of what to expect. We’ll cover everything from your initial consultation to the day of your pregnancy test.

Whether you’re just exploring options or preparing for your first cycle with SILK Medical Clinic in Georgia, understanding the basics of IVF can help you feel more informed and prepared.

Ready to learn about the science of creating life in the lab? Let’s begin.

Brief Overview of IVF Basics


In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is like a helping hand for conception. It’s a process where we bring eggs and sperm together outside the body, in our laboratory. Once fertilization occurs, we transfer the resulting embryo back into the uterus. It’s a bit like setting the stage for nature to take its course, with some extra scientific support.

Who Might Consider IVF


IVF isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but it can be a way out for many people struggling with fertility. You might consider IVF if:

  • You’ve been trying to conceive for a while without success
  • You’re dealing with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • There are issues with sperm quantity or quality
  • You’re facing age-related fertility challenges
  • You have a genetic condition you want to avoid passing on to your child

Remember, everyone’s situation is unique. What works for one person might not be the best fit for another.

Pre-IVF Preparations


Your IVF treatment typically starts with a conversation. During your first visit or online consultation, we’ll talk about your medical history, your attempts to conceive, and your goals. This isn’t just about collecting information – it’s about understanding your unique situation and concerns.

We might ask some personal questions, but don’t worry – we’ve heard it all before. Honesty is key here, as it helps us find the best possible treatment for your specific case.


Medical Tests and Screenings


Next, we’ll need to run some tests. Think of this as a fertility check-up. For women, this usually involves:

  • Blood tests to check hormone levels
  • An ultrasound to examine the ovaries and uterus

For men, we’ll typically do a semen analysis. It’s not the most glamorous test, but it gives us crucial information about sperm count and quality.

These tests help us understand what we’re working with and how to optimize your chances of success.

Choosing a Treatment Protocol


Based on your test results and individual factors, we’ll recommend a treatment protocol. This is essentially your personalized IVF plan. It outlines the medications you’ll take, the timing of your cycle, and any additional procedures we might recommend.

Remember, this plan isn’t set in stone. We might need to adjust it as we go along, depending on how you respond to the medications. Flexibility is important in IVF – we’re always ready to fine-tune your treatment for the best possible outcome.

Ovarian Stimulation


Ovarian stimulation is a vital part of IVF. We use medications to encourage your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Gonadotropins: These are hormones that stimulate egg development. Common ones include follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
  • GnRH agonists or antagonists: These prevent premature ovulation.

You’ll likely administer these medications yourself through subcutaneous injections. Don’t worry if you’re not comfortable with needles at first – most patients become pros quickly.

Monitoring progress


During this phase, you’ll visit the SILK Meical clinic frequently – often every 2-3 days. We’ll perform:

  • Blood tests to check hormone levels
  • Ultrasounds to measure follicle growth

These tests help us adjust your medication dosages if needed. We’re aiming for multiple follicles of the right size, typically around 18-22mm.

This phase usually lasts about 10-12 days. When your follicles reach the right size, we’ll give you a “trigger shot” to finally mature the eggs and schedule your egg retrieval.

Egg Retrieval


Egg retrieval is a minor surgical procedure. Here’s what happens:

  • You’ll be given light anesthesia or sedation.
  • Using ultrasound guidance, we insert a thin needle through the vaginal wall into each ovary.
  • We gently suction out the fluid from each follicle, which contains the eggs.

The procedure typically takes 20-30 minutes. We’ll tell you immediately how many eggs we retrieved, but remember – it’s quality over quantity.

Recovery Process


After the retrieval:

  • You’ll rest in a recovery area for 1-2 hours.
  • You might experience some cramping or spotting – this is normal.
  • Take it easy for the rest of the day. No heavy lifting or strenuous activity.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat normally.

Most women return to normal activities the next day. However, if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, or fever, contact us immediately.

Sperm Collection


Sperm collection typically occurs on the same day as egg retrieval. Here’s what to expect:

  • Most commonly, the male partner independently provides a sample.
  • If there are issues with ejaculation, we can extract sperm directly from the testicles using a fine needle. This procedure is called testicular sperm extraction (TESE).
  • Some clinics allow at-home collection, but timing is crucial. The sample must reach the lab within an hour.

For men who can’t be present on retrieval day, we can freeze sperm in advance. This option is also useful for men undergoing medical treatments that might affect fertility.

Sperm Preparation


Once we have the sample, our lab gets to work:

  • We wash the sperm to remove seminal fluid and non-moving sperm.
  • We then concentrate the healthiest, most active sperm.
  • This process takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours.

If sperm quality is low, we might recommend ICSI (more on that later).



In conventional IVF:

  • We place the prepared sperm and eggs together in a culture dish.
  • We leave them overnight in a carefully controlled environment.
  • The next day, we check for signs of fertilization.

This method works well when sperm quality is good and there are no known fertilization issues.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)


ICSI is a more direct approach:

  • We select a single healthy sperm.
  • Using a tiny needle, we inject this sperm directly into the egg.
  • We do this for each mature egg.

We often recommend ICSI for male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, or when previous IVF cycles had low fertilization rates.

Embryo Development and Monitoring


After fertilization:

  • We culture the embryos for 3-5 days.
  • We monitor their development daily, looking at cell division and overall embryo quality.
  • By day 5, healthy embryos should reach the blastocyst stage.

At SILK Medical, we use advanced technology to optimize this stage:

  • Our AI-powered EmbryoScope incubator provides continuous monitoring of embryo development. It captures time-lapse images every 10 minutes, allowing us to observe embryo growth without disturbing the controlled environment. This helps us select the embryos with the highest potential for successful implantation.
  • We also employ the IVFID Witness system, which uses radio frequency identification to track and match your eggs, sperm, and embryos throughout the entire process. This adds an extra layer of security and accuracy to your treatment.

During this time, we might perform genetic testing if you’ve opted for it. This helps us select the healthiest embryos for transfer.

Remember, not all eggs will fertilize, and not all fertilized eggs will develop into healthy embryos. This is normal and expected. We’re looking for quality over quantity.

Embryo Transfer


We have two options for embryo transfer: fresh or frozen.

Fresh transfer:

  • Occurs 3-5 days after egg retrieval
  • Suits patients with no risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)

Frozen transfer:

  • Embryos are frozen using vitrification (rapid freezing)
  • Transfer occurs in a later cycle
  • Allows time for genetic testing if desired
  • Gives your body time to recover from stimulation

At SILK Medical, we often recommend frozen transfers. They allow for optimal timing and can improve success rates.

The Transfer Procedure


Embryo transfer is typically quick and painless:

  • No anesthesia is required
  • We use ultrasound guidance for precise placement
  • A thin catheter delivers the embryo(s) into your uterus
  • The procedure takes about 5-10 minutes

We’ll discuss how many embryos to transfer beforehand. While multiple embryos may increase pregnancy chances, it also raises the risk of multiple pregnancies.


Post-transfer Care


After transfer:

  • Rest for about 30 minutes at the clinic
  • Resume normal activities the next day
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, hot baths, and swimming for a week
  • Continue prescribed medications, typically progesterone supplements

Contrary to popular belief, bed rest isn’t necessary. Normal activities won’t dislodge the embryo.

Two-Week Wait and Pregnancy Test


The two weeks following transfer can be emotionally challenging:

  • You might experience some cramping or light spotting
  • Hormonal medications can cause pregnancy-like symptoms
  • Try to maintain your normal routine
  • Avoid home pregnancy tests, as they can give false results

It’s normal to feel anxious during this time. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support staff.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test


We typically schedule a blood pregnancy test (beta-hCG) 9-14 days after transfer. This test is more sensitive and accurate than home urine tests.

  • A positive result means the embryo has implanted
  • We’ll schedule a follow-up test to ensure hCG levels are rising appropriately
  • If positive, an ultrasound is usually scheduled for 2-3 weeks later

If the test is negative, we’ll discuss next steps, which may include another transfer if you have frozen embryos, or planning for another IVF cycle.

Remember, IVF success often requires patience and persistence. But we’ll be right here to fully support you.

Success Rates and Factors Affecting IVF Outcomes


Age significantly impacts IVF success:

  • Women under 35 generally have the highest success rates
  • Success rates decline gradually after 35, with a steeper drop after 40
  • Male age also plays a role, though less dramatically

Other factors affecting success include:

  • Ovarian reserve
  • Sperm quality
  • Uterine health
  • Underlying medical conditions

At SILK Medical experts assess these factors during your initial evaluation to provide a realistic outlook.


Multiple IVF cycles


Many patients require more than one IVF cycle:

  • First-time success rates average around 20-35%
  • Cumulative success rates over multiple cycles can reach 65-75%
  • We often learn valuable information from each cycle, which can improve future attempts

Don’t be discouraged if your first cycle isn’t successful. We’ll analyze the results and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Financial Considerations


IVF costs vary widely depending on location and specific treatments needed. At SILK Medical, our base IVF costs include:

  • Full Cycle IVF: $5,000
  • IVF with donor eggs: $7,000
  • IVF with donor eggs + PGT-A and up to 5 embryos & frozen embryo transfer: $8,000

These costs are significantly lower than in other countries with allowed commercial IVF and surrogacy programs.

Additional costs may include:

We offer transparent pricing and can provide a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation.

Remember, while cost is an important factor, it shouldn’t be your only consideration. Quality of care, success rates, and your comfort with the medical team are equally important.

A Quick Recap


Let’s briefly revisit the main steps of IVF:

  1. Pre-IVF preparations and testing
  2. Ovarian stimulation
  3. Egg retrieval
  4. Sperm collection and preparation
  5. Fertilization and embryo culture
  6. Embryo transfer
  7. Two-week wait and pregnancy test

All steps are important, and the SILK Medical team is ready to guide you through each one with care and expertise.

Final Thoughts


IVF is a complex process, so here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Every IVF experience is unique. What works for one person may not work for another.
  • Success often requires patience and persistence. Many patients need more than one cycle.
  • Take care of your physical and emotional health throughout the process.
  • Stay informed, but be cautious of unreliable information sources.
  • Good communication with your medical team is quite essential. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or voice concerns.

The SILK Medical staff can provide you with top-quality care. Our international team of experts, including Dr. Albert Irkaliev and Dr. Oksana Sevostyanova, brings years of experience and the latest in reproductive technology to your treatment.

We use advanced tools like the AI-powered EmbryoScope and IVFID Witness system to optimize your chances of success. These technologies, combined with our personalized approach, set us apart in the field of reproductive medicine.

Yes, infertility can be challenging indeed, but you’re not alone in this. Many people have successfully built their families through IVF, and we’re here to help you do the same.

If you’re considering IVF or have more questions about the process, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. We can provide more specific information based on your individual circumstances and help you decide if IVF is the right choice for you.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about IVF with us. We hope this guide has been informative and helpful in your fertility exploration.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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