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Surrogacy in Georgia: Legal Framework and Process

Surrogacy in Georgia: Legal Framework and Process

When it comes to gestational surrogacy, Georgia is writing its own playbook. This small nation has quickly become a go-to destination, thanks to its supportive laws, skilled medical professionals, and cost-effective programs. 

Just think about it – in recent years, thousands of babies have been born through surrogacy arrangements in Georgia. The country’s Ministry of Health estimates that this number doubled in the five years leading up to 2022, highlighting Georgia’s growing prominence in international surrogacy. 

Success rates vary, with 35-65% for self-cycle surrogacy and higher rates for guaranteed programs involving multiple attempts. Once a gestational carrier is successfully pregnant, the likelihood of a live birth rises to about 95%. 

Indeed, Georgia’s clinics like SILK Medical have assisted intended parents from over 50 countries in building their families. But what exactly does the surrogacy process in Georgia entail?

Legal Framework for Surrogacy in Georgia

Georgia’s surrogacy laws stand out as some of the most progressive in the world of reproductive medicine. Since 1997, the country has maintained clear legislation that outlines the rights of all parties involved in surrogacy arrangements.

Key features of Georgia’s surrogacy laws include:

  1. Intended parents’ rights: The law recognizes intended parents as the legal parents from the moment of conception. This means surrogate mothers have no parental rights over the child.
  2. Eligibility criteria: Surrogacy is available to heterosexual couples who are married or in a proven domestic partnership for at least one year. Currently, single individuals are not eligible for surrogacy programs in Georgia.
  3. Surrogate requirements: Women between 21 and 35 years old, who have had at least one successful pregnancy, can become surrogate mothers. Comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations are part of the screening process.
  4. Compensation: Both altruistic and commercial surrogacy arrangements are legal in Georgia. This allows for fair compensation of surrogate mothers for their significant contribution.
  5. International accessibility: Georgia’s laws welcome foreign couples to participate in surrogacy programs, making it an attractive option for international intended parents. Many of SILK Medical’s patients come from all over the world, including the USA, UK, Australia, China, Germany, Finland, Brazil, Switzerland, etc.
  6. Simplified documentation: Upon the child’s birth, the intended parents’ names are directly entered on the birth certificate, simplifying the legal process.

While these laws provide a supportive framework, partnering with a reputable clinic like SILK Medical and experienced legal professionals can help intended parents fully understand and benefit from Georgia’s surrogacy-friendly environment.


The Surrogacy Process in Georgia


Surrogacy in Georgia involves several key steps. While each case is unique, here’s what intended parents can expect:


Initial Consultation and Screening


The process starts with a comprehensive medical evaluation of the intended parents. This includes fertility assessments, genetic screenings, and overall health checks. At this stage SILK Medical experts will review the couple’s medical history and discuss suitable treatment options.


Surrogate Selection


SILK Medical maintains a catalog of pre-screened surrogate candidates. Intended parents can review profiles and select a surrogate based on various criteria. All surrogates undergo rigorous medical and psychological evaluations.


Legal Agreements


After surrogate selection, legal contracts are prepared. These documents detail the rights and responsibilities of all parties. SILK Medical’s in-house lawyers, experienced in Georgian surrogacy law, can assist patients throughout this process.


Medical Procedures


The medical phase typically involves:

  • Egg retrieval from the intended mother or an egg donor
  • Fertilization through IVF or ICSI
  • Embryo culture and possible genetic testing
  • Embryo transfer to the surrogate


Pregnancy and Monitoring


The surrogate receives regular medical check-ups throughout the pregnancy. SILK Medical keeps intended parents informed of progress through video calls or clinic updates.


Birth and Legal Procedures


When the baby is born, the intended parents’ names are placed directly on the birth certificate. The clinic assists with necessary paperwork for taking the newborn home, including assistance with official documents translation, justice palace applications, and embassy application finalization.

The entire process can take anywhere from 10 to 18 months from initial consultation to birth, though timelines can vary based on individual circumstances.


Costs of Surrogacy in Georgia


Surrogacy in Georgia is known for its cost-effectiveness compared to many Western countries. However, the total cost can vary depending on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of the main expenses:


Surrogacy Program Fees


SILK Medical offers several surrogacy programs to suit different needs and budgets:

  1. Effective Surrogacy Program: Starting at $41,000 Includes up to three embryo transfers with shipped embryos
  2. Classic Surrogacy Program: Starting at $47,000 Covers up to three embryo transfers with self-cycle IVF
  3. Successful Surrogacy Program: Starting at $51,000 Includes surrogacy with donor eggs and up to three embryo transfers
  4. Guaranteed Surrogacy Program: Starting at $70,000 Offers unlimited embryo transfers and guaranteed childbirth

These programs include surrogate compensation, medical procedures, legal fees, and support throughout the process.


Additional Costs to Consider


  • Medication for the surrogate and intended mother (if using own eggs)
  • Travel and accommodation expenses for intended parents
  • Potential costs for egg or sperm donation if needed
  • Extra medical procedures if complications arise


Factors Affecting Costs


  • Type of surrogacy program chosen
  • Number of IVF cycles required
  • Need for egg or sperm donation
  • Prenatal care and delivery complications

SILK Medical provides transparent pricing and works with intended parents to create a clear financial plan. The clinic also offers various payment options to make the process more manageable.

While surrogacy represents a significant investment, many find the costs in Georgia to be more accessible than in countries like the United States, where surrogacy can cost upwards of $150,000.


Medical Standards and Technology in Georgian Surrogacy


Georgia’s fertility clinics like SILK Medical have invested heavily in the latest technology and maintain world-class medical standards. This contributes to rising Georgia’s reputation and making it the preferred hub for reproductive medicine and fertility tourism.


State-of-the-Art Equipment


SILK Medical is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including:

  1. AI-powered EmbryoScope: This advanced incubator monitors embryo development continuously, improving selection for transfer and increasing success rates.
  2. IVFID Witness System: This electronic witnessing system uses RFID technology to track and verify patient samples throughout the IVF process, eliminating the risk of mix-ups.
  3. Advanced ultrasound machines: High-resolution imaging allows for precise monitoring of follicle development and embryo implantation.


Specialized Techniques


SILK Medical offer a range of specialized procedures:

  1. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This technique is used for male factor infertility, injecting a single sperm directly into an egg.
  2. Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): This allows for screening of embryos for genetic abnormalities before transfer, increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  3. Vitrification: This rapid freezing technique for eggs and embryos significantly improves survival rates after thawing.


Quality Control and Safety Measures


SILK Medical maintains strict quality control protocols:

  1. Regular equipment calibration and maintenance
  2. Rigorous staff training and continuous education
  3. Adherence to international best practices in embryology and fertility treatment


Laboratory Standards


The embryology lab at SILK Medical operates under stringent conditions:

  1. HEPA air filtration systems to maintain a sterile environment
  2. Temperature and humidity control for optimal embryo development
  3. Regular testing for air quality and potential contaminants

SILK Medical, like other top Georgian clinics, uses these advanced technologies and strict protocols to give intended parents the best possible chance of success. Many international patients are surprised by the level of care and technology available in Georgia. Often it’s on par or even better than what is expected in major Western medical centers, but at a fraction of the cost. This combination of cutting-edge science and affordability is a big reason why Georgia’s popularity for surrogacy continues to grow.


International Intended Parents: What to Expect


Georgia’s surrogacy programs attract intended parents from around the world. If you’re considering traveling to Georgia for surrogacy, here’s what you need to know:


Visa Requirements


Most international visitors can enter Georgia visa-free for up to a year. This generous policy makes it easy for intended parents to visit for consultations and medical procedures. However, always check the latest entry requirements for your specific country.


Travel and Accommodation


Tbilisi, where SILK Medical is located, is well-connected to major European cities. The city offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to comfortable apartments for longer stays.


Language Considerations


While Georgian is the official language, SILK Medical’s staff are fluent in English and Russian. The clinic also provides translation services for other languages as needed.


Legal Procedures for Newborns


After your child is born, you’ll need to:

  1. Obtain a Georgian birth certificate
  2. Apply for your home country’s passport for the child
  3. Complete any additional procedures required by your home country

SILK Medical’s legal team assists with these processes, helping to make them as smooth as possible.


Time Commitment


Most intended parents make 2-3 trips to Georgia during the surrogacy process:

  1. Initial consultation and medical procedures
  2. Possible mid-pregnancy visit (optional)
  3. Child’s birth and completion of legal procedures

The final stay typically lasts 3-4 weeks while paperwork is finalized.


Cultural Experience


Many intended parents find their time in Georgia to be unexpectedly enjoyable. The country is known for its hospitality, rich history, and excellent cuisine. While here for medical procedures, you might find time to explore Tbilisi’s charming Old Town or visit nearby wineries.

SILK Medical aims to make your experience in Georgia as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We provide support not just for medical procedures, but also with practical aspects of your stay, from recommending accommodation to arranging transportation.


Taking the Next Step


While surrogacy is a complex subject, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. That’s where SILK Medical comes in. Our team is ready to sit down with you, explain the process, and answer all your questions – even the ones you haven’t thought to ask yet.

Want to learn more? Let’s talk. We can discuss our programs, success rates, and how they might fit your specific situation.

To set up a conversation:

  • Call us at +995 599 36 02 58
  • Email us at connect@silkmedical.com
  • Use the contact form on our website

Georgia’s surrogacy story is still being written. Yours could be too. Let’s explore if this is the right path for you.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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