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The Team Behind SILK Medical Success

The Team Behind SILK Medical Success

When attending international conferences or highlighting SILK Medical clinic’s achievements, we often mention our expert team. However, the real people behind this term largely remain unnamed. 

Understandably, when an IVF project operates within a world-class medical center with over 120 specialists, it’s challenging to single out specific doctors for the spotlight. Nevertheless, today we’ll peek behind the curtain and introduce you to some of the 20-plus experts working on the miracle of life – the SILK Medical fertility team.

The International Team


Dr. Oksana Sevostyanova
Dr. Oksana Sevostyanova
Dr. Nina Gribanova
Dr. Nina Gribanova

When you walk into the SILK Medical clinic, the first thing you notice is a mix of languages spoken – English, Georgian, Ukrainian, Russian, and more. That’s because the team is as international as they come. For instance, our Deputy Chief Physician, a star fertility expert Dr. Oksana Sevostyanova was previously the Medical Director at MINI IVF Medical Center in Kyiv, Ukraine. While Dr. Nina Gribanova honed her skills at the prestigious Kulakov Scientific Center in Moscow.

Why does this matter? Well, fertility issues don’t respect borders. Having such a diverse team means tapping into a global knowledge base. It’s like having a worldwide fertility conference right here in the clinic. Plus, for international patients, there’s a good chance of finding someone who speaks their language – literally and medically.

The Reproductive Medicine Experts


Dr. Stella Dzotsenidze
Dr. Stella Dzotsenidze
Dr. Albert Irkaliev
Dr. Albert Irkaliev

Walking up the stairs of the SILK Medical clinic, your first destination will be the kingdom of reproductive medicine specialists. These are the people you’ll likely meet at the start of your fertility treatment. They’re a mix of obstetrician-gynecologists and reproductologists – the terms for doctors who really know their stuff when it comes to helping people have babies.

The best example is Dr. Albert Irkaliev, who isn’t just a reproductologist, but a member of both the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RARCH). Meanwhile, Dr. Stella Dzotsenidze brings over 14 years of experience from Georgia, Germany, France, UAE, and the USA.

These aren’t your regular OB-GYNs. They are doctors who’ve dedicated their careers to cracking the code of fertility. They’re the ones who look at each case from every angle, run the right tests, and come up with a game plan that’s as unique as the patient.

The Embryology Squad


Dr. Anastasia Neradko
Dr. Anastasia Neradko
Dr. Salome Mosidze
Dr. Salome Mosidze

Behind the scenes, the embryology team is where the real magic happens. These are the scientists who work with eggs, sperm, and embryos on a microscopic level. Dr. Anastasia Neradko, a member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, leads this team.

Anastasia isn’t just skilled in standard IVF procedures. She’s an expert in advanced techniques like ICSI and trophectoderm biopsy for preimplantation genetic testing. She’s also mastered the art of vitrification – a flash-freezing technique that helps preserve eggs and embryos for future use.

Working alongside Anastasia is Dr. Salome Mosidze, whose research on genomic variability during pregnancy has been published in international medical journals.

Specialized Care Providers


Dr. Temur Soziashvili
Dr. Temur Soziashvili
Dr. Mamuka Tkhelidze
Dr. Mamuka Tkhelidze

Fertility treatment often requires a multidisciplinary approach. Dr. Temur Soziashvili, the urologist-andrologist, focuses on male fertility issues. His expertise is very useful for couples dealing with male factor infertility.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mamuka Tkhelidze brings over 25 years of experience in urology and dermatovenereology. His expertise in treating inflammatory diseases of male genital organs adds another layer of specialized care to the team.

On the endocrinology front, Dr. Nina Gribanova combines her skills as an endocrinologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, and reproductologist. This impressive mix of specialties allows her to approach fertility issues from multiple angles, considering how hormonal imbalances might affect reproductive health.

Lifelong Learners


Dr. Nino Maisuradze
Dr. Nino Maisuradze
Dr. Nato Shengelia
Dr. Nato Shengelia

Learning doesn’t stop with a medical degree for this team. For instance, SILK Medical’s reproductologist Dr. Nino Maisuradze is also a university professor. When she’s not treating patients, she’s sharing her expertise with the next generation of fertility specialists.

Dr. Nato Shengelia has attended numerous professional development courses, from laparoscopic methods in Istanbul to the latest in colposcopy techniques in Tbilisi. This commitment to ongoing education means patients benefit from the most up-to-date fertility treatments available.

Tech Wizards


Having the latest technology is one thing, but knowing how to use it effectively is another. That’s where our team really shines. Dr. Irkaliev is an expert in using the AI-powered EmbryoScope, an advanced incubator allowing for continuous monitoring of embryo development.

Meanwhile, embryologist Anastasia Neradko is proficient with the IVFID Witness System. This high-tech tool uses radio frequency identification to track and match eggs and sperm throughout the IVF process, eliminating the risk of mix-ups.

The Power of Collaboration


The SILK Medical team operates like a well-oiled machine, with each specialist contributing their unique expertise to provide comprehensive care. In a complex case involving both female and male factor infertility, multiple experts might work together, each addressing different aspects of the treatment plan.

This collaborative approach means no stone is left unturned when it comes to fertility treatment. It’s not just about having experts in every field – it’s about how these experts work together to provide the best possible care.

Beyond the Clinic Walls


Dr. Nana Shubitidze
Dr. Nana Shubitidze
Dr. Maia Shamugia
Dr. Maia Shamugia

The team’s expertise extends far beyond the clinic. Many specialists are actively involved in advancing the field of reproductive medicine on a global scale.

Dr. Nana Shubitidze has published multiple articles in foreign medical journals, contributing to the global body of knowledge in reproductive medicine. Dr. Maia Shamugia, an associate professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences, helps push the boundaries of what’s possible in fertility treatment through her academic work.

This involvement in the broader medical community means the team is always at the forefront of new developments in reproductive medicine. Patients at SILK Medical benefit from a global network of knowledge and expertise, all focused on one goal: helping people build families.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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