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Surrogacy with Donor Eggs: Maximizing Fertility Success

Surrogacy with Donor Eggs: Maximizing Fertility Success

Surrogacy and egg donation offer valuable options for couples experiencing infertility. Since the first successful egg donation in the early 1980s, these treatments have given new possibilities to women unable to conceive due to medical conditions. The first successful pregnancy from donated eggs was recorded in Australia in 1983, followed by the U.S. in 1984. Since then, advances in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have continued to improve outcomes.

Over time, egg donation became more widely accepted, offering an alternative to adoption for many. Medical advancements such as Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) now help assess embryo health, improving the chances of success, with egg donation success rates reaching around 60% depending on the health and age of donors and recipients.

In Georgia, where SILK Medical operates, a supportive legal framework exists for surrogacy and egg donation. Georgian law recognizes intended parents as legal guardians from birth, creating a secure environment for international couples seeking these services. This legal clarity, coupled with advanced medical technologies and competitive pricing, positions Georgia as an attractive destination for fertility treatments.


Understanding Surrogacy


Gestational surrogacy, the focus at SILK Medical, involves a surrogate carrying a pregnancy with no genetic link to the child. This method addresses various medical scenarios where women can’t carry pregnancies themselves.

Common indications for surrogacy include:

  • Uterine abnormalities or absence
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Medical conditions making pregnancy high-risk

The surrogacy process begins with thorough medical evaluations of both intended parents and potential surrogates. These assessments identify any health risks and help create tailored treatment plans. Following successful embryo transfer, the surrogate receives regular prenatal care to monitor the pregnancy’s progress.

Egg Donation Basics


Egg donation has given new options for women unable to use their own eggs. The process starts with careful donor screening, encompassing medical history, genetic testing, and fertility assessments.

Once a donor is selected, the egg retrieval process unfolds:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: The donor receives hormone injections to produce multiple eggs.
  2. Monitoring: Regular ultrasounds and blood tests track follicle development.
  3. Egg retrieval: A minor surgical procedure collects mature eggs.

Retrieved eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory with sperm from the intended father or a donor. The resulting embryos can be transferred to the intended mother, a surrogate, or cryopreserved for future use.

Egg donation particularly benefits women over 40 with decreased ovarian reserve and those with genetic concerns. The use of younger donor eggs often results in higher pregnancy rates and reduced risks of certain chromosomal abnormalities.


Combining Surrogacy and Egg Donation


The combination of surrogacy and egg donation provides a solution for complex fertility cases. This approach is valuable when the intended mother can neither produce viable eggs nor carry a pregnancy.

SILK Medical offers several programs that integrate these techniques:

  • Successful Program: Allows up to three transfer attempts
  • Guaranteed Program: Offers unlimited transfers until live birth
  • Bespoke Program: Custom-designed in accordance with patient’s needs

Each program encompasses comprehensive medical care and coordination services.

The combined process typically follows this sequence:

Egg donor and surrogate selection occur separately, allowing intended parents to choose preferred characteristics for each role. The medical team then works to synchronize the donor’s and surrogate’s cycles. While the donor undergoes ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, the surrogate’s uterus is prepared for embryo implantation.

Retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory. The resulting embryos undergo quality assessment, with the best candidates selected for transfer to the surrogate. Throughout the pregnancy, the surrogate receives regular medical monitoring to ensure the health of both carrier and fetus.


Success Rates and Factors Influencing Outcomes


The success of combined surrogacy and egg donation programs depends on various factors. Recent data from SILK Medical shows promising results:

  • Live birth rates: 70% for women under 35
  • Pregnancy rates: 75% for first-attempt transfers in guaranteed programs

These figures exceed global averages for traditional IVF treatments. However, individual outcomes can vary based on:

Age of the egg donor: Younger donors (typically under 30) tend to produce higher-quality eggs, leading to better success rates.

Surrogate’s health: A surrogate’s overall health and previous pregnancy history significantly impact the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Embryo quality: The use of advanced embryo selection techniques, such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), can improve the chances of a successful transfer.

Uterine receptivity: The surrogate’s uterine lining must be optimally prepared for embryo implantation.

Laboratory conditions: State-of-the-art embryology labs with strict quality control measures, like the one at SILK Medical, contribute to higher success rates.

While these factors play a role, each case is unique. Consultation with our fertility specialists provides a more accurate assessment of individual chances of success.


Why Choose SILK Medical


SILK Medical stands out in the field of reproductive medicine for several reasons:

Advanced Technology: The clinic utilizes cutting-edge equipment like the AI-powered EmbryoScope. This time-lapse incubator monitors embryo development continuously, allowing for optimal embryo selection. Only about 10% of fertility clinics worldwide have access to this technology.

Cost-Effective Treatment: Despite its advanced capabilities, SILK Medical offers competitive pricing. For example, even the most advanced Guaranteed Surrogacy Program costs $70,000 which is still significantly lower than the cheapest options in countries like the United States, where the prices start at $100,000.

High Success Rates: As mentioned earlier, SILK Medical boasts success rates that surpass global averages. These outcomes result from a combination of experienced staff, advanced technology, and individualized treatment plans.

International Patient Care: The clinic has extensive experience working with patients from over 20 countries. This includes multilingual staff and assistance with travel arrangements and accommodation.

Legal Framework: Georgia’s supportive legislation for fertility treatments, including surrogacy and egg donation, provides a secure environment for international patients. This legal clarity simplifies the process of obtaining necessary documentation for newborns.


Looking Ahead: Your Next Steps in Fertility Treatment


Deciding on fertility treatment involving surrogacy and egg donation requires careful consideration. Here are some steps to help in the decision-making process:

  1. Consult with fertility specialists to understand your specific situation and options.
  2. Research the legal aspects of surrogacy and egg donation in your home country and in Georgia.
  3. Consider the financial implications and explore funding options if needed.
  4. Discuss the process with your partner, if applicable, and ensure you’re both comfortable with the chosen path.
  5. Reach out to support groups or counselors specializing in fertility issues for additional guidance.
  6. Contact SILK Medical for more detailed information about our programs and to schedule a consultation.

Remember, fertility treatment is a medical process with no guarantees. However, with the right medical team and approach, many individuals and couples have found success through combined surrogacy and egg donation programs.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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