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How PGT Genetic Testing Improves IVF Success Rates

How PGT Genetic Testing Improves IVF Success Rates

What is PGT and How It Impacts IVF Success


For most of human history, starting a family was largely left to biology and chance. Couples struggling with infertility had few options beyond traditional remedies and hope. The advent of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 1978 changed this, giving those unable to conceive naturally a new opportunity. However, even with this breakthrough, success rates remained unpredictable and often low.

The introduction of PGT genetic testing marks the next major step in reproductive medicine, offering a way to improve IVF success. This technique allows embryologists to screen embryos for genetic abnormalities before implantation, significantly increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. This stands in stark contrast to earlier times when genetic information about a child could only be learned much later in the pregnancy.

As societal trends shift and more individuals delay parenthood due to personal or professional reasons, the need for advanced fertility treatments has grown. PGT genetic testing provides these patients with a way to reduce some of the risks tied to later-life pregnancies, offering more control and confidence in the IVF process.


How PGT Genetic Testing Works: Types of PGT-A and PGT-M


Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) involves analyzing embryos for genetic abnormalities before they are transferred during an IVF cycle. The two primary types of PGT used at SILK Medical are PGT-A and PGT-M.

PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy) screens embryos for chromosomal abnormalities, such as missing or extra chromosomes. These abnormalities can often lead to failed implantation or miscarriage. By selecting embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, PGT-A improves the chances of a successful pregnancy. An additional feature of PGT-A is sex determination, allowing couples to choose the sex of their baby if they wish to balance their family—a service not widely available in many clinics.

PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders) focuses on detecting specific genetic conditions that could be passed from the parents to the child. This test is particularly useful for couples who are carriers of known genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. PGT-M ensures that only embryos free from these disorders are selected for transfer, significantly reducing the risk of passing on genetic conditions.

Both forms of PGT provide a more informed embryo selection process, improving the overall effectiveness of IVF treatments and helping reduce the risks associated with genetic abnormalities.


PGT Genetic Testing and Its Role in Improving IVF Success Rates


PGT has proven to be an effective tool in increasing the success rates of IVF cycles. By screening embryos for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities, PGT helps to identify those most likely to result in a successful pregnancy. Studies have shown that embryos with the correct number of chromosomes (euploid embryos) are more likely to implant successfully and lead to healthy pregnancies. This is particularly important for women over 35, who have a higher risk of producing embryos with chromosomal abnormalities.

At SILK Medical, the use of PGT has contributed to a 75% pregnancy rate on the first IVF attempt and a 100% live birth rate in surrogacy programs. PGT-A enables us to select the best-quality embryos, leading to fewer failed cycles and reducing the emotional and financial strain on patients. Additionally, by ensuring the transfer of genetically healthy embryos, PGT helps reduce the risk of miscarriage and supports more successful outcomes.

In cases where patients have experienced multiple IVF failures or recurrent miscarriages, PGT offers an advanced level of embryo screening that helps pinpoint potential issues, allowing for more targeted treatment decisions. By improving embryo selection, PGT directly impacts the chances of a successful IVF cycle and a healthy pregnancy.


PGT-A and Sex Selection: An Additional Benefit for Family Planning


In addition to screening for chromosomal abnormalities, PGT-A offers the option of sex selection, which can be valuable for couples who have specific preferences for family balancing. This process identifies the sex of each embryo during genetic testing, allowing parents to choose whether to transfer a male or female embryo.

While the primary goal of PGT-A remains improving the chances of a successful pregnancy by selecting healthy embryos, sex selection is an option available to those with cultural or personal reasons for wanting a particular gender. Unlike many fertility clinics where this service is unavailable, SILK Medical provides this added flexibility, making it accessible to international patients seeking more control over their family planning.

This service is conducted with the same level of care as all aspects of embryo selection, ensuring that the process aligns with patients’ preferences without compromising medical outcomes.


Innovative Technology Enhancing IVF Success


Technological advancements play a significant role in improving IVF outcomes. At SILK Medical, two key technologies support embryo selection and treatment safety: the AI EmbryoScope and the IVFID Witness system.

The AI EmbryoScope is a specialized incubator that tracks embryo development continuously. This technology records detailed data on growth patterns, which helps embryologists select embryos with the highest likelihood of success. Continuous monitoring provides valuable insights, leading to more informed decisions about embryo selection.

Meanwhile, the IVFID Witness system uses radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology to monitor the identification and tracking of embryos during IVF procedures. This prevents any possibility of embryo mix-up, reinforcing the accuracy and precision of each step in the process.

These technologies combine to increase IVF success rates and minimize potential risks, offering a more advanced and reliable IVF experience.


Why International Patients Choose SILK Medical for IVF with PGT


The combination of advanced fertility treatments and favorable legal conditions has made Georgia a popular destination for international patients seeking IVF and genetic testing. SILK Medical offers competitive pricing for IVF and surrogacy programs, often at a fraction of the cost compared to clinics in the United States and Europe. This affordability, without compromising quality, attracts patients from countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, and many parts of Asia.

In addition to lower costs, Georgia’s legal framework supports surrogacy and IVF for foreign nationals. Unlike many other countries, Georgian law recognizes the intended parents as the legal parents of a child born through surrogacy from the moment of birth. This clarity and security provide reassurance for international couples looking for fertility treatments and surrogacy options abroad.

With patients coming from more than 20 countries, SILK Medical has established itself as a trusted provider of IVF services. The clinic’s expertise in genetic testing and advanced fertility technologies is matched by its commitment to accessible, high-quality care, making it an attractive option for couples seeking reliable IVF treatment abroad.


Personalized IVF Plans with PGT for Different Couples


Fertility treatments vary depending on each patient’s unique needs, and PGT allows for more customized approaches to IVF. By identifying the genetic health of embryos, treatments can be adapted to specific circumstances, such as recurrent miscarriages, genetic risk factors, or age-related concerns.

For couples dealing with genetic conditions, PGT-M is especially important. It helps avoid passing on inheritable diseases, allowing families to move forward with IVF knowing that only healthy embryos will be transferred. This reduces the risk of certain genetic disorders, providing a significant advantage for patients with known genetic risks.

For women over 35, PGT-A offers a practical solution to age-related infertility issues, as it screens for chromosomal abnormalities that are more common in older patients. By identifying embryos with the right number of chromosomes, the chances of a successful pregnancy are significantly improved.

This personalized use of PGT leads to better outcomes for a range of patients, from those with complex fertility challenges to those simply looking for the best possible start for their future family.


The Future of IVF and Genetic Testing at SILK Medical


The integration of PGT into IVF treatments represents a significant advancement in fertility care, offering couples higher success rates and a greater chance of having healthy children. As fertility treatments continue to evolve, the ability to screen embryos for genetic abnormalities will remain a key factor in improving outcomes.

SILK Medical combines advanced genetic testing with state-of-the-art technology, providing patients with access to some of the most effective fertility treatments available today. With a strong focus on international care, affordable pricing, and a commitment to using the latest reproductive techniques, the clinic is well-positioned to support couples from around the world in their IVF journey.

As the demand for fertility treatments continues to grow globally, SILK Medical will remain at the forefront, providing personalized care that leverages the power of genetic testing to improve success rates and reduce complications in IVF.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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