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Cryopreservation and Storage of Biological Materials


Depending on various personal situations, Cryopreservation and Storage of Biological Materials for the future can be quite a sensible decision. For many couples, this provides reassurance and a sense of control over their reproductive choices, whether they are facing medical challenges or want to delay parenthood.

SILK Medical’s cryopreservation and storage facilities can maintain the viability of patients’ embryos, sperm, and eggs for an extended period of time. The clinic’s team employs only advanced techniques in cryopreservation to assist with achieving any fertility goals when the couple is ready.

Cryopreservation as a Technique

Cryopreservation involves freezing embryos, sperm, and eggs at very low temperatures for long-term storage. This technique effectively pauses the biological clock, allowing the use of preserved samples years or even decades later without a significant decrease in quality. When the patient is ready to begin an IVF treatment, the clinic will thaw the frozen germ cells and embryos for use in a personalized plan.


When Cryopreservation is Recommended

Surplus Embryos:

During an IVF cycle, SILK Medical’s specialists carefully select the best-quality embryos for transfer, usually limiting it to one or two per cycle. Any remaining embryos can be cryopreserved for future use, allowing patients to expand their families without undergoing another full IVF cycle.

Delayed Embryo Transfer:

In cases where a fresh embryo transfer needs to be postponed, such as due to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or unexpected illness, cryopreservation allows the clinic to safely store the embryo. The frozen embryo can be thawed and transferred when the woman’s body is optimally prepared, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Low Sperm Count:

For men with low sperm concentration, cryopreservation enables the collection and storage of sperm samples over time. This allows for the accumulation of a sufficient quantity of sperm for use in IVF treatment, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.


Fertility Preservation:

Cryopreservation allows couples to preserve their fertility potential, especially when delaying parenthood. By freezing eggs and sperm at a younger age, the chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy later in life are improved.


Medical Conditions

Cryopreservation is also recommended for patients facing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation, which can impact fertility. Additionally, people exposed to toxic substances at work may benefit from preserving germ cells for future use.

Cryopreservation and Storage of Biological Materials Process

SILK Medical uses the latest vitrification technology for ultra-fast freezing of biological materials. This process involves pre-treating cells with a cryoprotectant (a protective substance that helps prevent cell damage during freezing) and then rapidly cooling them by immersion in liquid nitrogen. The swift cooling prevents the formation of ice crystals, thus eliminating the danger of potentially damaging the cells.

Once frozen, the biological material is stored in straws (special containers), which are kept in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C. Each sample is labeled for accurate identification of germ cells and embryos belonging to different patients.

Germ cells and embryos can be stored for extended periods without compromising their quality. In fact, there have been successful cases of healthy babies born from embryos that were frozen for as long as 30 years.

When the time comes to use the preserved material, the germ cells and embryos are thawed and remain fully viable, ready for fertilization or transfer. Depending on the specific case, fertilization can be carried out as part of an IVF procedure or, in the case of thawed sperm, through intrauterine insemination. SILK Medical’s specialists will determine the optimal method based on the unique circumstances of each patient.

Cryopreservation does not pose any risks to the health of future children. Numerous studies have shown that children born from frozen biological material are completely healthy and well-developed.

SILK Medical provides cryopreservation and storage services to help couples maintain fertility alternatives for the future. The clinic’s team is ready to assist and guide patients through the entire process. To learn more about how cryopreservation can help you preserve your fertility options, schedule a consultation with one of SILK Medical’s experts today. 

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