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Sperm Donation

When a male partner’s sperm is unavailable or of insufficient quality, or when a single woman wishes to conceive, using sperm donation can make parenthood possible. Donor sperm IVF involves using sperm from a carefully screened donor to fertilize the eggs of the intended mother or a donor egg.

SILK Medical’s sperm donors are men who have voluntarily chosen to help others achieve their dreams of parenthood. They have no parental rights towards the children conceived using their sperm. Instead, the intended parents will have full legal and parental rights over any children born through donor sperm IVF.

Indications for Sperm Donation 

There are several reasons why individuals or couples may choose to use donor sperm in their fertility treatment. Some common indications for using donor sperm include:

Azoospermia and Other Severe Pathozoospermia

Azoospermia is a condition where there is no sperm present in a man’s ejaculate. Other forms of severe pathozoospermia involve significant abnormalities in sperm quantity, motility, or morphology. In these cases, using donor sperm may be the most effective option for achieving pregnancy.

History of Unsuccessful Attempts of IVF + ICSI

When a couple has undergone multiple cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) without success, using donor sperm may improve the chances of conceiving. This is especially true if the primary cause of infertility is related to sperm quality.

Partner’s Hereditary Diseases

If a male partner is a carrier of a genetic disorder that could be passed onto offspring, using donor sperm can minimize the risk of the child inheriting the condition. Genetic screening of sperm donors helps ensure that the selected donor is not a carrier of known hereditary diseases.

Rh-immunization with a Positive Rh-factor Partner 

Rh incompatibility occurs when a woman with Rh-negative blood is exposed to Rh-positive blood, typically during pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus. This can lead to the development of antibodies that may harm future Rh-positive pregnancies. Using donor sperm can prevent this immunization.

Sex Partner Absence

Single women who wish to conceive may opt for donor sperm to achieve pregnancy. In these cases, using a sperm donor allows them to pursue their dreams of parenthood without a male partner.

History of Untreatable STI

In cases where a male partner has a chronic, untreatable sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as HIV, using donor sperm can prevent the transmission of the infection to the child and the mother.

Selecting a Sperm Donor


SILK Medical maintains a diverse catalog of sperm donors, featuring men of various nationalities and phenotypes. This variety allows patients to select a donor whose characteristics align with their preferences and needs. To ensure privacy and confidentiality, direct personal acquaintance with the donor is not possible. However, the clinic provides a comprehensive donor catalog that includes essential information to help patients make an informed choice.

The donor catalog includes the following key details:

Age and Nationality

Knowing the donor’s age and nationality can provide insight into their cultural background and potential language abilities. This information may be particularly important for patients who wish to select a donor with a specific cultural heritage.

Blood Type and Rh Factor

Understanding the donor’s blood type and Rh factor is important for ensuring compatibility with the intended mother. This knowledge helps prevent potential complications during pregnancy, such as Rh incompatibility.

Physical Characteristics

The catalog includes information on the donor’s height, weight, eye color and shape, hair color, and facial features, such as face and nose shape. These details can help patients choose a donor whose physical attributes align with their desired traits for their child.

Occupation and Education

Insight into the donor’s profession and educational background can provide a sense of their intellectual abilities, interests, and achievements. Some patients may feel more comfortable selecting a donor with a particular level of education or career path.

Zodiac Sign

While not a scientific factor, some patients may find the donor’s zodiac sign to be an interesting or fun detail to consider when making their selection.

Using Sperm Donation: Beyond IVF


While donor sperm is commonly associated with in vitro fertilization (IVF), it can also be used in other fertility treatments, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI)

IUI is a procedure that involves placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization. This option may be particularly suitable for single women who wish to conceive without a male partner.

One of the advantages of using donor sperm with IUI is that it does not require a diagnosis of infertility. 

This means that women who are not experiencing fertility issues but lack a male partner can still pursue their dream of having a child. 

IUI with donor sperm can be a less invasive and more affordable option compared to IVF, making it an attractive choice for many women and couples.

When considering IUI with donor sperm, patients will undergo a similar process of selecting a candidate from SILK Medical’s catalog. The clinic’s team will guide patients through the IUI procedure, ensuring that the timing of insemination coincides with the woman’s most fertile period.

While IUI with donor sperm can be successful, it may not be the most appropriate option for everyone. Factors such as the woman’s age, reproductive health, and personal preferences will influence the decision between IUI and IVF. SILK Medical’s fertility specialists work closely with each patient to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on their unique circumstances and goals.

In addition to IUI, donor sperm can also be used in other fertility treatments, such as intracervical insemination (ICI) and at-home insemination. However, these methods may have lower success rates compared to IUI and IVF and may not be recommended in all cases.

Ensuring Patient Safety and Confidentiality


SILK Medical emphasizes the safety and privacy of both patients and donors. The clinic follows strict protocols and guidelines to keep all information related to the use of donor sperm secure and confidential.

Reproductive Privacy

SILK Medical maintains complete anonymity for both donors and patients when using donor material. Reproductive privacy can be a concern for many couples, and that is why the clinic takes every precaution to protect the identities of all parties involved. Patients can trust that their personal information will be kept strictly confidential throughout the entire process.

Donor Screening and Quarantine

SILK Medical implements a thorough screening process for sperm donors, including medical evaluations, genetic testing, and a mandatory six-month quarantine for donated sperm. During this time, it is cryopreserved, and the donor is retested for infectious diseases, including hepatitis, syphilis and HIV. The sperm is cleared for use only if the donor tests negative again after quarantine. 

Personalized Sperm Donation Treatment Planning


Deciding between IVF and insemination with donor sperm is an individual choice that depends on numerous factors unique to each patient. SILK Medical’s fertility specialists take into account a variety of aspects, such as the patient’s diagnosis, age, Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels, and tubal patency, when recommending the most appropriate treatment plan. 

By evaluating each patient’s specific circumstances, the clinic’s medical team can provide personalized guidance to help patients make informed decisions about their fertility treatment. At the same time, all patients can feel confident that their safety, privacy, and well-being are the clinic’s top priorities every step of the way.

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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