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Egg Donation

Egg donation, as part of assisted reproduction treatment, offers an alternative path to motherhood for women who face challenges conceiving naturally. The process involves In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), where one woman donates her eggs to another. These eggs are fertilized in a laboratory setting, creating embryos that can then be implanted in the recipient’s uterus, leading to pregnancy. Egg donation allows women and couples to experience the joy of parenting despite their inability to conceive on their own.

SILK Medical Clinic in Tbilisi, Georgia, provides IVF treatment using donor eggs among other programs. The clinic maintains a substantial cryobank of donor material and an extensive database of fresh oocyte (egg) donors. 

SILK Medical’s international team consists of skilled reproductologists and embryologists who use advanced treatment methods, ensuring patient comfort and confidence throughout the IVF process.

All IVF programs at SILK Medical Clinic can be supplemented with embryo genetic testing. This additional step can help identify high-quality embryos for transfer, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

If you're considering IVF with donor eggs, it's better to have all the necessary information at your fingertips. We've created a detailed guide on Egg Donation: Process and Considerations to walk you through, from selecting a donor to understanding the legal implications.

SILK Medical Egg Donoation Programs

  • IVF with vitrified (cryopreserved) eggs
  • IVF with a fresh egg donor from the clinic’s catalog
  • IVF with a fresh egg donor provided by intended parents
  • IVF/insemination with donor sperm
  • Cryopreservation of donor embryos

IVF with Egg Donation

One of the challenges that can hinder a couple’s ability to conceive is related to various issues with the cells that make up a woman’s oocytes. In such situations, using donor eggs can be a viable alternative, as it improves the chances of achieving pregnancy. SILK Medical has established a donor bank to address these instances, with every tenth IVF procedure performed at the clinic involving donor eggs.

At SILK Medical, all egg donors undergo comprehensive medical screenings to guarantee their physical and mental well-being. All collected information regarding potential candidates is recorded in the donor catalog available at the clinic. The intended parents can explore the key phenotypic traits of candidates, including their look, eye color, and blood type, along with supplementary information about their marital status, educational background, occupation, etc. Notably, the majority of SILK Medical donors possess European or Asian phenotypes.



Types of Eggs Donations


Intended parents have the choice of two distinct IVF donor type programs offered at the SILK Medical Clinic with Vitrified or Fresh donor eggs. These programs are intended to suit the individual needs and preferences of prospective parents, giving them options to accommodate their particular circumstances.

The Vitrified Program involves the use of cryopreserved eggs that have been carefully preserved in SILK Medical Clinic’s donor bank. These eggs are readily available for fertilization on demand, offering a convenient and flexible option for intended parents. The donor pool for this program consists of thoroughly screened and verified candidates, ensuring that prospective parents have access to the highest quality donor material.

The Fresh Donor Program, provides intended parents with the opportunity to select a fresh egg donor who is known to them personally or through the clinic’s database. In this case the eggs are not frozen, but immediately fertilized with the partner’s sperm. This program allows for a greater degree of involvement in the donor selection process. 

Frozen Eggs Donation IVF Program Stages

Selecting an egg donor from the SILK Medical Clinic’s cryobank catalog
Defrosting donor eggs and fertilizing them through intracytoplasmic injection of partner’s sperm (ICSI)
Embryo cultivating and preparing patient’s endometrium, in case of planned transfer in the same cycle, if menstrual cycle has been synchronized
Embryo transfer or cryopreservation, with possible embryo biopsy for preimplantation genetic screening and cycle segmentation
Cryopreservation of one or two embryos in case of cycle segmentation
Monitoring of human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone for the maternal recognition of pregnancy - on the 14th day after the transfer

Fresh Eggs Donation IVF Program Stages

Selecting an egg donor from the SILK Medical Clinic’s catalog
Donor medical evaluation and preparation, including considerations for aligning the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient
Stimulation of the donor's superovulation followed by ovarian puncture to maximize the number of mature oocytes
Fertilization of eggs with partner's sperm
Embryo cultivating and preparing patient’s endometrium, in case of planned transfer in the same cycle, if menstrual cycle has been synchronized
Embryo transfer or cryopreservation, with possible embryo biopsy for preimplantation genetic screening and program segmentation
Cryopreservation of one or two embryos in case of cycle segmentation
Monitoring of human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone for the maternal recognition of pregnancy - on the 14th day after the transfer

Note that with the advancements and increased safety of embryo cryopreservation techniques, most fertility specialists have shifted their approach. Instead of synchronizing patient and donor cycles, they prefer to perform the embryo transfer as part of a cryoprotocol. This allows for careful preparation of the patient for the transfer, leading to improved results.

SILK Medical IVF Experts

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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