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AI-Powered EmbryoScope

SILK Medical AI-Powered EmbryoScope

The field of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is constantly evolving, with each new breakthrough and invention bringing hopeful parents closer to their dream of having a baby. This is why SILK Medical Clinic uses state-of-the-art tools, including the AI-powered EmbryoScope – the first and only equipment of this kind in the entire region. In fact, SILK Medical is among the select ten percent of fertility clinics worldwide to be fitted with this advanced technology.

EmbryoScope is used during a stage of the IVF process that is often less visible to intended parents: the development of embryos following the successful retrieval and fertilization of eggs. Understandably, couples often express interest to stay informed about the progress. The EmbryoScope allows them to do so without disrupting the procedure in any way. 

At its core, the EmbryoScope is an advanced device combining the functions of an incubator with a high-resolution camera and AI-based software to monitor and analyze embryo development. By capturing time-lapse images at roughly 10-minute intervals, it creates a comprehensive uninterrupted timeline of each embryo’s growth. This allows SILK Medical embryologists and prospective parents to view it in near real-time, without removing embryos from the incubator.


AI-Powered EmbryoScope Key Benefits

Increases the Probability of Best Embryo Transfer

The EmbryoScope creates a continuous time-lapse record of embryo development, providing SILK Medical specialists with access to over 7,200 minutes of footage, compared to just 10 minutes with a conventional incubator. This gives embryologists extensive data to select the embryos most likely to result in successful pregnancy.  

Improves Successful Implantation Rates

Since embryos are not removed from the incubator for monitoring, they remain in very stable culture conditions, which also gives embryologists access to development data not available without an EmbryoScope. This leads to improved embryo selection and implantation rates.

Reduces the Frequency of Early Pregnancy Termination

The advanced monitoring techniques and stable conditions produce more comprehensive data for analysis. It is useful in cases involving a history of recurrent miscarriages, advanced maternal age and repeated implantation failure, as more information about embryo development can make a big difference and reduce the frequency of early pregnancy termination

EmbryoScope AI and KIDScore


Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning improved the already advanced EmbryoScope technology even further. The process of assessing and selecting the most viable embryos for implantation is seamless and automated. AI models have been trained to score embryos based on the likelihood of a successful transfer, derived from the images of their Known Implantation Data (KID).

The KIDScore, used in conjunction with the EmbryoScope, is a decision support tool, with access to the world’s largest embryo development database. Applying a number of criteria, the system scores embryos based on their statistical viability, and ranks them according to the likelihood of a successful implantation. This allows SILK Medical specialists to improve evaluation consistency and greatly helps with the decision-making process.

Indications for EmbryoScope Use


Сouples over 35

The quality and quantity of eggs can decrease for women of a more mature age, which can make it difficult to conceive. The EmbryoScope provides continuous monitoring and detailed information about the development of the embryos, helping in selecting the best embryos for transfer.

Сouples with Multiple Unsuccessful IVFs

The EmbryoScope can provide additional data, identifying potential issues with embryo development not evident with traditional methods. This leads to a better embryo selection and improvement of the future IVF cycles success rate.

History of Repeated Early Stage Pregnancy Termination

For cases of recurrent miscarriages and early stage pregnancy termination, the EmbryoScope can reveal information regarding potential issues contributing to the losses.

Low Quality Sperm Cells

The sperm quality can seriously affect the success of fertilization and subsequent embryo development. The EmbryoScope can help with the optimal selection of embryos for transfer, even when the sperm quality is considered lower. 

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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