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Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment is a form of Assisted Reproductive care available to millions of couples worldwide affected by infertility.  When conception proves difficult, families often have questions and concerns about their reproductive health and available options. Speaking to a right fertility specialist can provide potential solutions, allowing patients to make informed decisions. 


During the initial consultation, SILK Medical’s team will perform an evaluation to understand each couple’s individual situation. This may include a record of the medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as pelvic ultrasound. Based on the findings, the specialists develop a personalized treatment plan, which may involve further testing and therapies designed to improve the chances of successful conception.


When to Consult a Specialist for Infertility Treatment

Here are some signs it may be time for couples to take the next step:

If any of these situations apply, the team at SILK Medical is ready to provide patients with assistance understanding their options and developing a personalized treatment plan. By working closely with a fertility specialist, couples can take steps towards achieving their goal of having a child.

Why Can’t I Get Pregnant: Common Causes

Female Infertility

Tubal Factor: Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes can prevent fertilization or embryo transport.

Uterine Factor: Uterine or endometrial issues, like fibroids or polyps, can hinder implantation.

Endocrine Infertility: Hormonal imbalances (PCOS, anovulation, low ovarian reserve) can affect fertility.

Cervical Factor: Cervical abnormalities or mucus issues can obstruct sperm entry.

Immunologic Factor: The immune system may attack sperm or embryos, complicating conception.


Male Infertility

AspermatogenicSperm production may be impaired due to factors such as infections, smoking, hormonal imbalances, or chronic diseases.


NormospermatogenicEven when sperm production is normal, physiological obstacles can prevent healthy sperm from entering the urethra.


ImmunologicalIn some men, the body produces antibodies that attack and destroy sperm, reducing fertility.


SILK Medical Infertility Treatment Options


SILK Medical offers a wide range of infertility treatment methods depending on a specific case. 

Medical Treatment
Medical treatment for infertility often involves hormone therapy to balance hormones and regulate ovulation, as well as medications to treat underlying inflammatory processes. Targeted therapies can also be used to improve spermogram indicators in male patients, enhancing their fertility potential.
Surgical Interventions
Surgical treatment like hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage can help resolve problems with endometrial hyperplasia, while varicocele and hydrocele surgery can positively impact male reproductive health. In some cases, minimally invasive procedures can help restore fertility.
ART and Artificial Insemination
IUI places sperm directly into the uterine cavity, while IVF involves fertilization outside the body and embryo transfer. ICSI helps overcome male factor infertility by injecting a single sperm into an egg. These methods can also address unexplained infertility when other treatments are unsuccessful.

SILK Medical Advanced Reproductive Technologies

IVF Programs with Customized Stimulation Protocols

IVF with Donor Material

IVF Surrogacy

Artificial Insemination

ICSI and PICSI Fertilization

Embryo Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT-A, PGT-M)

"Our state-of-the-art embryology laboratory and highly qualified specialists enable us to conduct IVF programs with excellent success rates. We help patients become parents and are committed to fighting for every positive outcome."

SILK Medical IVF Department Specialists

Take a step towards the birth of your baby. Make an appointment with a doctor!

    Clinic promotions and news, as well as useful articles about infertility, IVF and pregnancy

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