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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): A First-Line Fertility Treatment

Intrauterine Insemination is often the first step for couples experiencing infertility. This simple, non-invasive procedure has been helping people conceive since the late 18th century and remains a popular treatment option today, even with the advent of more advanced technologies like IVF. 

IUI is designed to increase the chances of pregnancy by delivering sperm directly into the uterus, bypassing potential obstacles in the vagina and cervical canal. This method closely mimics natural conception while providing an extra boost to fertility. 

During the procedure, specially prepared sperm from the partner or a donor is carefully inserted into the uterine cavity. The process is quick and painless, taking only a few minutes in the comfort of SILK Medical clinic. 

Necessary Conditions for IUI

For IUI to be successful, the woman’s fallopian tubes must be open and functional. After insemination, fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, just as it would with natural conception. The fertilized egg then travels through the tube to the uterus, where it implants in the endometrium a few days later.

The SILK Medical team evaluates each patient’s unique situation to determine if IUI is the most appropriate treatment option. The clinic’s fertility specialists provide support throughout the process and are available to answer any questions patients may have.

When is Intrauterine Insemination the Right Choice?

Intrauterine insemination can be an effective treatment for various fertility challenges. The team at SILK Medical may recommend IUI in the following situations:

  • Mild Male Factor Infertility

When a semen analysis reveals a slightly reduced sperm count or decreased motility, IUI can help increase the chances of conception by concentrating the healthiest sperm and placing them directly in the uterus.

  • Cervical Factor Infertility

Some women may have a cervical condition that prevents sperm from passing through the cervix due to thick or insufficient cervical mucus. IUI bypasses this obstacle, allowing sperm to reach the uterus more easily.

  •  Unexplained Infertility

In some cases, a couple may have difficulty conceiving despite no apparent cause. IUI can be a first-line treatment for unexplained infertility, as it enhances the chances of fertilization by bringing sperm closer to the egg.

  •  Erectile or Ejaculatory Dysfunction

If the male partner experiences difficulties with erection or ejaculation, IUI using a sperm sample collected in advance can help achieve pregnancy.

  •  Donor Sperm

For single women, same-sex female couples, or couples where the male partner has no sperm or very poor sperm quality (azoospermia), IUI with donor sperm can make parenthood possible.


Ovulation: A Key Factor in Intrauterine Insemination Success

In addition to open fallopian tubes, ovulation is another requirement for the success of intrauterine insemination. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary, which can then be fertilized by sperm.

Some women may have natural, regular ovulation cycles, while others may need the help of ovulation induction medications to ensure the release of an egg at the optimal time for insemination.

At SILK Medical, specialists can monitor each patient’s cycle and use advanced techniques to pinpoint the most fertile window for the IUI procedure. This personalized approach, combined with the clinic’s state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team, contributes to SILK Medical high success rates.

The Intrauterine Insemination Process at SILK Medical



Comprehensive Evaluation

Before beginning treatment, the team at SILK Medical conducts an assessment to ensure IUI is a suitable option. This includes evaluating the patency of the fallopian tubes, performing a pelvic ultrasound, conducting hormone and infection tests, and analyzing a semen sample (spermogram).


Cycle Monitoring

To optimize the timing of insemination, the clinic monitors ovulation through ultrasound scans and ovulation tests. In some cases, ovulation induction medications may be prescribed to stimulate egg production and improve outcomes.



Sperm Preparation

On the day of insemination, the male partner provides a semen sample at the clinic. Embryologists then process and purify the sample, selecting quality sperm for the procedure.



Insemination Procedure

The IUI procedure is quick and painless, taking only a few minutes. Patients are positioned comfortably on a gynecological chair while a thin, flexible catheter is used to gently place the prepared sperm into the uterine cavity. To increase the chances of success, the clinic may recommend two inseminations within the same cycle.


Pregnancy Test

Approximately 14 days after the insemination, patients take a pregnancy test to determine if the procedure was successful. The SILK Medical team supports patients throughout the process, regardless of the outcome.

Success Rates and Next Steps


The success of IUI depends on factors such as the woman’s age and sperm quality. For women under 35 and in stimulated cycles, the success rate is typically 15-25% per cycle.

If pregnancy is not achieved after three IUI attempts, SILK Medical’s fertility specialists work with patients to explore alternative treatment options suited specifically to their needs.

SILK Medical provides care and expertise to help patients achieve their dream of parenthood. The clinic’s facilities and patient-centered approach make it the top regional fertility clinic.

If you are ready to take the next step in building your family, don’t wait and schedule a consultation with SILK Medical's team today. The clinic will develop a personalized treatment plan that prioritizes patient comfort, well-being, and success.

SILK Medical IVF Experts

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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