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IVFID Witness System

SILK Medical IVFID Witness Systeam

SILK Medical Clinic always strives to provide patients with the most effective and safe infertility treatment, giving couples the highest possible chance at having a baby and starting a family. This is only possible through a combination of employing top personnel and using the latest state-of-the-art equipment. One such example is the IVFID Witness System, and SILK Medical is proud to be the first clinic in the entire region to feature this advanced technology in its arsenal.

The IVFID Witness is a security system designed specifically for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to ensure that the sperm and oocyte (egg) samples are matched at all times. This is achieved through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, which allows to wirelessly verify and match the data during all treatment stages:

Collection of sperm and eggs

Oocytes tracking

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Embryo transfer

Embryo and sperm cryo-thawing processes

IVFID Witness System Procedure


When entering the SILK Medical’s IVF programs, couples are given special identification bracelets, while all consumable materials, including test tubes, cups and cryotopes, are marked with matching disposable labels. 

Before performing any manipulation involving a patient’s genetic material (eggs, embryos, or sperm), the clinic’s embryologists must first verify the compliance of the labeling using the IVFID Witness System

In turn, it records and checks all the vital information, including the type of procedure, the personnel involved, the date and time, and the area of manipulation. 

In case of a compliance mismatch, the system immediately locks itself, preventing the manipulation from proceeding and alerting the embryology team to resolve the issue.

Since the entire process is controlled by the automated system, it completely eliminates human errors. This gives all procedures a high level of security and traceability, reducing the risk of mix-ups during the IVF. 

By employing best specialists and using the latest top-of-the-line equipment, SILK Medical can provide patients with the highest standards of care and let the couples focus on preparing for parenthood without additional worries. 

Ready to start your family? Schedule a consultation with our fertility experts today.

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